Distance / Altitude | Location | Report Date / Time | Live Weather | Wind | Gusts | Temp. | Visibility | Cloud |
20 km ESE / 444 m | Acapulco/General Juan N. Álvarez International Airport (Mexico) | 2024-11-30 16:52 local (2024/11/30 22:52 GMT) | - | light winds from the W (17 km/h at 260) | — | 11 | ||
91 km NNE / 1265 m | Chilpancingo- Ro. (Mexico) | 2024-11-30 18:00 local (2024/12/01 00:00 GMT) | no report | light winds from the SE (14 km/h at 140) | 21°C | 400 | - | |
174 km NNE / 959 m | Iguala de la Independencia (Mexico) | 2024-11-30 17:25 local (2024/11/30 23:25 GMT) | dry | calm (0 km/h at 0) | 28°C | - | - - 0 | |
186 km W / 245 m | Ixtapa Zihuatane Airport (Mexico) | 2024-11-30 17:40 local (2024/11/30 23:40 GMT) | - | light winds from the W (11 km/h at 270) | — | 11 | ||
240 km NNE / 1562 m | Cuernavaca Airport (Mexico) | 2024-11-30 17:40 local (2024/11/30 23:40 GMT) | - | calm (4 km/h at 210) | — | 14 | ||
247 km N / 2180 m | El Peñon Take off (Mexico) | 2024-11-30 18:00 local (2024/12/01 00:00 GMT) | - | calm (0 km/h at 251) | 16°C | - | - - 0 | |
280 km N / 2583 m | Toluca Airport/Jose Maria Airport (Mexico) | 2024-11-30 17:48 local (2024/11/30 23:48 GMT) | - | light winds from the NNE (17 km/h at 20) | — | 16 | ||
298 km NNE / 2230 m | Mexico City International Airport/Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México (Mexico) | 2024-11-30 16:47 local (2024/11/30 22:47 GMT) | - | light winds from the WNW (19 km/h at 300) | — | 14 | ||
302 km NE / 2158 m | Puebla Airport (Mexico) | 2024-11-30 17:44 local (2024/11/30 23:44 GMT) | - | light winds from the SSW (13 km/h at 200) | — | 16 | ||
307 km NW / 1750 m | Tuxpan (Mexico) | 2024-11-30 17:30 local (2024/11/30 23:30 GMT) | dry | calm (5 km/h at 245) | 21°C | - | - - 0 |
* NOTE: not all live weather reports for Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico update at the same frequency which is why some locations can show data from stations that are more remote if the report is more recent than known closer ones. We also include live weather reports from ships and buoys if data are submitted close to Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico, Mexico and within an acceptable time window.