Distance / Altitude | Location | Report Date / Time | Live Weather | Wind | Gusts | Temp. | Visibility | Cloud |
46 km ESE / 49 m | Bari/Palese (Italy) | 2024-12-04 04:00 local (2024/12/04 03:00 GMT) | - | light winds from the NW (19 km/h at 320) | — | - | - - - | |
47 km ESE / 219 m | Bari Palese Macchie Station (Italy) | 2024-12-04 05:20 local (2024/12/04 04:20 GMT) | - | light winds from the WSW (7 km/h at 250) | — | 0.0 | - - - | |
51 km NW / 848 m | Monte S. Angelo (Italy) | 2024-12-04 05:00 local (2024/12/04 04:00 GMT) | - | - (- km/h at -) | — | 20 | - - - | |
52 km W / 271 m | Amendola Air Force Base Airport (Italy) | 2024-12-04 03:55 local (2024/12/04 02:55 GMT) | - | light winds from the WNW (7 km/h at 300) | 8°C | 8.0 | few | |
53 km W / 60 m | Amendola (Italy) | 2024-12-04 04:00 local (2024/12/04 03:00 GMT) | - | light winds from the W (19 km/h at 280) | — | 10 | - - - | |
83 km SE / 352 m | Gioia Del Colle (Italy) | 2024-12-04 05:00 local (2024/12/04 04:00 GMT) | - | moderate winds from the NNW (28 km/h at 330) | — | 9 | few - - | |
93 km SW / 1014 m | Trevico (Italy) | 2024-12-04 05:00 local (2024/12/04 04:00 GMT) | - | wind obs. (7 kph from 50 degs) was rejected (- km/h at -) | — | 20 | - - - | |
95 km SW / 445 m | Trevico Airport (Italy) | 2024-12-04 03:55 local (2024/12/04 02:55 GMT) | - | light winds from the W.(Wind varies from 230 to 290 degs) (13 km/h at 260) | — | 0.0 | ||
112 km SSE / 12 m | Marina DI Ginosa (Italy) | 2024-12-04 04:00 local (2024/12/04 03:00 GMT) | - | moderate winds from the N (22 km/h at 10) | — | 7 | - - - | |
114 km NNE / 0 m | lightning 65km NNE of Vieste (Italy) | 2024-12-04 05:30 local (2024/12/04 04:30 GMT) | Thunderstorm | (- km/h at -) | — |
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Surf breaks close to Barletta: | ||
Closest surf break | Capo Vieste | 42 mi |
Second closest surf break | Curvone | 91 mi |
Third closest surf break | Saraceno | 99 mi |
Fourth closest surf break | Fossacesia Marina | 111 mi |
Fifth closest surf break | Lido Pola or Nisida (Naples) | 116 mi |