Distance / Altitude | Location | Report Date / Time | Live Weather | Wind | Gusts | Temp. | Visibility | Cloud |
19.9 miles S / 98 ft | Fuerteventura Airport (Spain) | 2025-03-16 18:00 local (2025/03/16 18:00 GMT) | no report | fresh winds from the SW (20 mph at 220) | 74.1°F | 19 | - | |
20.5 miles S / 1749 ft | Fuerteventura AR Airport (Spain) | 2025-03-16 19:30 local (2025/03/16 19:30 GMT) | ![]() no report | light winds from the NNE (5 mph at 20) | 66.2°F | 10.0 | few - - | |
21.7 miles NE / 561 ft | Arrecife/Lanzarote Airport (Spain) | 2025-03-16 19:30 local (2025/03/16 19:30 GMT) | ![]() no report | wind obs. (39 kph from 360 degs) was rejected (- mph at -) | 78.6°F | 10.0 | few - - | |
107.5 miles SW / 709 ft | Las Palmas/Gran Canaria Airport (Spain) | 2025-03-16 19:30 local (2025/03/16 19:30 GMT) | ![]() Dry and partly cloudy | light winds from the E.(Wind varies from 020 to 140 degs) (5 mph at 100) | 68.0°F | 10.0 | broken | |
108.1 miles SW / 154 ft | Las Palmas DE Gran Canaria/Gando (Spain) | 2025-03-16 18:00 local (2025/03/16 18:00 GMT) | - | wind obs. (52 kph from 20 degs) was rejected (- mph at -) | — | - | - | |
115.0 miles SSE / 676 ft | Laayoune/Hassan Island Airport (Morocco) | 2025-03-16 19:00 local (2025/03/16 19:00 GMT) | ![]() Dry and partly cloudy | light winds from the NNW (10 mph at 340) | 68.0°F | 8.0 | no significant cloud - - | |
123.7 miles SW / 230 ft | Maspalomas (Spain) | 2025-03-16 19:30 local (2025/03/16 19:30 GMT) | dry | calm (0 mph at 252) | 66.2°F | - | - - 0 | |
146.0 miles WSW / 118 ft | Santa Cruz Tenerife (Spain) | 2025-03-16 18:00 local (2025/03/16 18:00 GMT) | no report | wind obs. (9 kph from 10 degs) was rejected (- mph at -) | 73.2°F | 20 | - - - | |
147.3 miles WSW / 761 ft | Santa María de Gracia wx (Spain) | 2025-03-16 19:35 local (2025/03/16 19:35 GMT) | dry | calm (5 mph at 103) | 66.2°F | - | - - 0 | |
149.1 miles WSW / 1831 ft | San Bartolomé de Geneto wx (Spain) | 2025-03-16 18:43 local (2025/03/16 18:43 GMT) | dry | light winds from the NW (5 mph at 312) | 64.4°F | - | - - 0 |
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tide station / surf break / city |

Use this relief map to navigate to tide stations, surf breaks and cities that are in the area of Corralejo.
Other Nearby Locations' tide tables and tide charts to Corralejo:
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Closest surf break | Bristol | 1 mi |
Second closest surf break | El Muelle | 1 mi |
Third closest surf break | Bajo el Medio | 1 mi |
Fourth closest surf break | Shooting Gallery | 1 mi |
Fifth closest surf break | Generosa | 2 mi |