Distance / Altitude | Location | Report Date / Time | Live Weather | Wind | Gusts | Temp. | Visibility | Cloud |
29.2 miles NE / 157 ft | Centro Met. Antártico Presidente Eduardo Frei (Antarctica) | 2025-03-27 07:00 local (2025/03/27 10:00 GMT) | no report | wind obs. (115 kph from 270 degs) was rejected (- mph at -) | 25.5°F | - | - | |
29.2 miles NE / 148 ft | Teniente R. Marsh Airport (Chile) | 2025-03-27 06:00 local (2025/03/27 09:00 GMT) | ![]() Moderate rain | strong winds from the N (25 mph at 10) | 33.8°F | 3.0 | broken overcast | |
34.2 miles NE / 171 ft | Dinamet (Antarctica (ay)) | 2025-03-27 07:00 local (2025/03/27 10:00 GMT) | no report | wind obs. (22 kph from 300 degs) was rejected (- mph at -) | 25.9°F | - | - | |
57.2 miles N / 49 ft | hy2b301E62S (Marine) | 2025-03-27 05:57 local (2025/03/27 08:57 GMT) | fresh winds from the NNW (25 mph at 332) | — | - km | |||
60.9 miles ESE / 49 ft | hy2b302E63S (Marine) | 2025-03-27 05:57 local (2025/03/27 08:57 GMT) | fresh winds from the NNW (20 mph at 348) | — | - km | |||
61.5 miles WNW / 49 ft | hy2b299E62S (Marine) | 2025-03-27 05:57 local (2025/03/27 08:57 GMT) | fresh winds from the NNW (20 mph at 340) | — | - km | |||
67.1 miles N / 49 ft | hy2b300E62S (Marine) | 2025-03-27 05:57 local (2025/03/27 08:57 GMT) | fresh winds from the NNW (25 mph at 340) | — | - km | |||
80.2 miles E / 49 ft | hy2b303E63S (Marine) | 2025-03-27 05:57 local (2025/03/27 08:57 GMT) | strong winds from the NNW (25 mph at 342) | — | - km | |||
80.8 miles NW / 49 ft | hy2b300E61S (Marine) | 2025-03-27 05:57 local (2025/03/27 08:57 GMT) | fresh winds from the NNW (20 mph at 335) | — | - km | |||
88.2 miles W / 49 ft | hy2b298E62S (Marine) | 2025-03-27 05:57 local (2025/03/27 08:57 GMT) | fresh winds from the NNW (20 mph at 340) | — | - km |
* NOTE: not all live weather reports for Puerto Soberania, South Shetland Islands update at the same frequency which is why some locations can show data from stations that are more remote if the report is more recent than known closer ones. We also include live weather reports from ships and buoys if data are submitted close to Puerto Soberania, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica and within an acceptable time window.