Today's tide times for Santa Rosalia, Baja California Sur, Mexico
The predicted tide times today on Thursday 26 December 2024 for Santa Rosalia are: first high tide at 4:21am, first low tide at 2:58pm. Sunrise is at 7:17am and sunset is at 5:42pm.
Today's tide times for Santa Rosalia: Thursday 26 December 2024
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 4:21 AM(Thu 26 December) | 2.23 ft (0.68 m) |
Low Tide | 2:58 PM(Thu 26 December) | -0.36 ft (-0.11 m) |
- Wind Speed
- Swell
- Weather
Tide chart for Santa RosaliaShowing low and high tide times for the next 30 days at Santa Rosalia. Tide Times are MST (UTC -7.0hrs).
View Santa Rosalia 7 Day Tide Chart Image.
Sun |
Moon Set Rise |
Wind |
Thursday, 26 Dec | 27 Dec | 28 Dec | 29 Dec | 30 Dec | 31 Dec | 1 Jan | 2 Jan | 3 Jan | 4 Jan | 5 Jan | 6 Jan | 7 Jan | 8 Jan | 9 Jan | 10 Jan | 11 Jan | 12 Jan | 13 Jan | 14 Jan | 15 Jan | 16 Jan | 17 Jan | 18 Jan | 19 Jan | 20 Jan | 21 Jan | 22 Jan | 23 Jan | |||
AM | PM | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | ||
4:21AM0.68m | 3:27AM0.74m | 3:02AM0.79m | 3:24AM0.83m | 4:00AM0.86m | 4:36AM0.88m | 5:05AM0.87m | 5:22AM0.84m | 5:27AM0.79m | 5:21AM0.72m | 5:06AM0.65m | 4:39AM0.61m | 3:46AM0.62m | 1:21AM0.70m | 00:49AM0.81m | 1:12AM0.89m | 1:51AM0.92m | 2:38AM0.92m | 3:32AM0.89m | 4:35AM0.85m | 5:35AM0.79m | 5:55AM0.72m | 5:08AM0.65m | 4:15AM0.60m | 3:29AM0.56m | 2:41AM0.56m | 1:48AM0.59m | 00:55AM0.64m | 00:26AM0.70m | |||
2:58PM-0.11m | 3:22PM-0.19m | 3:50PM-0.25m | 4:22PM-0.29m | 4:55PM-0.32m | 5:33PM-0.32m | 6:03PM-0.28m | 6:34PM-0.19m | 7:00PM-0.07m | 7:06PM0.09m | 4:57PM0.22m | 2:03PM0.15m | 1:53PM0.00m | 2:12PM-0.14m | 2:42PM-0.26m | 3:16PM-0.33m | 3:51PM-0.37m | 4:26PM-0.36m | 4:58PM-0.33m | 5:27PM-0.26m | 5:51PM-0.17m | 6:09PM-0.07m | 6:16PM0.04m | 6:02PM0.15m | 4:55PM0.22m | 2:38PM0.21m | 1:45PM0.13m | 1:47PM0.03m | 2:06PM-0.07m | |||
7:17AM | 5:42PM | 7:17AM 5:43PM | 7:17AM 5:43PM | 7:18AM 5:44PM | 7:18AM 5:45PM | 7:18AM 5:45PM | 7:19AM 5:46PM | 7:19AM 5:47PM | 7:19AM 5:48PM | 7:19AM 5:48PM | 7:19AM 5:49PM | 7:19AM 5:50PM | 7:20AM 5:50PM | 7:20AM 5:51PM | 7:20AM 5:52PM | 7:20AM 5:53PM | 7:20AM 5:54PM | 7:20AM 5:54PM | 7:20AM 5:55PM | 7:20AM 5:56PM | 7:20AM 5:57PM | 7:20AM 5:57PM | 7:19AM 5:58PM | 7:19AM 5:59PM | 7:19AM 6:00PM | 7:19AM 6:01PM | 7:19AM 6:01PM | 7:18AM 6:02PM | 7:18AM 6:03PM | ||
3:26AM | 2:19PM | 2:58PM 4:23AM | 3:43PM 5:23AM | 4:35PM 6:22AM | New Moon 5:34PM 7:20AM | 6:37PM 8:13AM | 7:42PM 9:00AM | 8:47PM 9:42AM | 9:51PM 10:19AM | 10:53PM 10:54AM | 11:55PM 11:26AM | First Quarter 11:59AM | 00:58AM 12:33PM | 2:02AM 1:11PM | 3:09AM 1:55PM | 4:18AM 2:45PM | 5:25AM 3:43PM | 6:27AM 4:45PM | Full Moon 7:22AM 5:50PM | 8:09AM 6:53PM | 8:49AM 7:54PM | 9:23AM 8:51PM | 9:53AM 9:46PM | 10:21AM 10:38PM | 10:48AM 11:30PM | 11:16AM | Last Quarter 11:44AM 00:22AM | 12:16PM 1:15AM | 12:52PM 2:11AM | ||
Santa Rosalia tide chart key:
The tide chart above shows the height and times of high tide and low tide for Santa Rosalia, Baja California Sur, Mexico. The red flashing dot shows the tide time right now. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Santa Rosalia.
Tide Times are MST (UTC -7.0hrs). Last Spring High Tide at Santa Rosalia was on Sun 15 Dec (height: 0.97m 3.2ft). Next high Spring Tide at Santa Rosalia will be on Mon 30 Dec (height: 0.88m 2.9ft).
Santa Rosalia tide chart key: The tide chart above shows the height and times of high tide and low tide for Santa Rosalia, Baja California Sur, Mexico. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Santa Rosalia.
Tide Times are MST (UTC -7.0hrs). Last Spring High Tide at Santa Rosalia was on Sun 15 Dec (height: 0.97m 3.2ft). Next high Spring Tide at Santa Rosalia will be on Mon 30 Dec (height: 0.88m 2.9ft).
Santa Rosalia tide times for December and January
December and January Tide charts for Santa Rosalia: The tide charts below show the height, time and date of high and low tides for the next 30 days.
Tide Times for Santa Rosalia (tomorrow): Friday 27 December 2024
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 3:27 AM(Fri 27 December) | 2.43 ft (0.74 m) |
Low Tide | 3:22 PM(Fri 27 December) | -0.62 ft (-0.19 m) |
Sunrise: 7:17AM | Sunset: 5:43PM | Moonrise: 4:23AM | Moonset: 2:58PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Saturday 28 December 2024
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 3:02 AM(Sat 28 December) | 2.59 ft (0.79 m) |
Low Tide | 3:50 PM(Sat 28 December) | -0.82 ft (-0.25 m) |
Sunrise: 7:17AM | Sunset: 5:43PM | Moonrise: 5:23AM | Moonset: 3:43PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Sunday 29 December 2024
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 3:24 AM(Sun 29 December) | 2.72 ft (0.83 m) |
Low Tide | 4:22 PM(Sun 29 December) | -0.95 ft (-0.29 m) |
Sunrise: 7:18AM | Sunset: 5:44PM | Moonrise: 6:22AM | Moonset: 4:35PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Monday 30 December 2024
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 4:00 AM(Mon 30 December) | 2.82 ft (0.86 m) |
Low Tide | 4:55 PM(Mon 30 December) | -1.05 ft (-0.32 m) |
Sunrise: 7:18AM | Sunset: 5:45PM | Moonrise: 7:20AM | Moonset: 5:34PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Tuesday 31 December 2024
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 4:36 AM(Tue 31 December) | 2.89 ft (0.88 m) |
Low Tide | 5:33 PM(Tue 31 December) | -1.05 ft (-0.32 m) |
Sunrise: 7:18AM | Sunset: 5:45PM | Moonrise: 8:13AM | Moonset: 6:37PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Wednesday 01 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 5:05 AM(Wed 01 January) | 2.85 ft (0.87 m) |
Low Tide | 6:03 PM(Wed 01 January) | -0.92 ft (-0.28 m) |
Sunrise: 7:19AM | Sunset: 5:46PM | Moonrise: 9:00AM | Moonset: 7:42PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Thursday 02 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 5:22 AM(Thu 02 January) | 2.76 ft (0.84 m) |
Low Tide | 6:34 PM(Thu 02 January) | -0.62 ft (-0.19 m) |
Sunrise: 7:19AM | Sunset: 5:47PM | Moonrise: 9:42AM | Moonset: 8:47PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Friday 03 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 5:27 AM(Fri 03 January) | 2.59 ft (0.79 m) |
Low Tide | 7:00 PM(Fri 03 January) | -0.23 ft (-0.07 m) |
Sunrise: 7:19AM | Sunset: 5:48PM | Moonrise:10:19AM | Moonset: 9:51PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Saturday 04 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 5:21 AM(Sat 04 January) | 2.36 ft (0.72 m) |
Low Tide | 7:06 PM(Sat 04 January) | 0.3 ft (0.09 m) |
Sunrise: 7:19AM | Sunset: 5:48PM | Moonrise:10:54AM | Moonset:10:53PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Sunday 05 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 5:06 AM(Sun 05 January) | 2.13 ft (0.65 m) |
Low Tide | 4:57 PM(Sun 05 January) | 0.72 ft (0.22 m) |
Sunrise: 7:19AM | Sunset: 5:49PM | Moonrise:11:26AM | Moonset:11:55PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Monday 06 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 4:39 AM(Mon 06 January) | 2.0 ft (0.61 m) |
Low Tide | 2:03 PM(Mon 06 January) | 0.49 ft (0.15 m) |
Sunrise: 7:19AM | Sunset: 5:50PM | Moonrise:11:59AM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Tuesday 07 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 3:46 AM(Tue 07 January) | 2.03 ft (0.62 m) |
Low Tide | 1:53 PM(Tue 07 January) | 0.0 ft (0.0 m) |
Sunrise: 7:20AM | Sunset: 5:50PM | Moonset:00:58AM | Moonrise:12:33PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Wednesday 08 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 1:21 AM(Wed 08 January) | 2.3 ft (0.7 m) |
Low Tide | 2:12 PM(Wed 08 January) | -0.46 ft (-0.14 m) |
Sunrise: 7:20AM | Sunset: 5:51PM | Moonset: 2:02AM | Moonrise: 1:11PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Thursday 09 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 00:49 AM(Thu 09 January) | 2.66 ft (0.81 m) |
Low Tide | 2:42 PM(Thu 09 January) | -0.85 ft (-0.26 m) |
Sunrise: 7:20AM | Sunset: 5:52PM | Moonset: 3:09AM | Moonrise: 1:55PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Friday 10 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 1:12 AM(Fri 10 January) | 2.92 ft (0.89 m) |
Low Tide | 3:16 PM(Fri 10 January) | -1.08 ft (-0.33 m) |
Sunrise: 7:20AM | Sunset: 5:53PM | Moonset: 4:18AM | Moonrise: 2:45PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Saturday 11 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 1:51 AM(Sat 11 January) | 3.02 ft (0.92 m) |
Low Tide | 3:51 PM(Sat 11 January) | -1.21 ft (-0.37 m) |
Sunrise: 7:20AM | Sunset: 5:54PM | Moonset: 5:25AM | Moonrise: 3:43PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Sunday 12 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 2:38 AM(Sun 12 January) | 3.02 ft (0.92 m) |
Low Tide | 4:26 PM(Sun 12 January) | -1.18 ft (-0.36 m) |
Sunrise: 7:20AM | Sunset: 5:54PM | Moonset: 6:27AM | Moonrise: 4:45PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Monday 13 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 3:32 AM(Mon 13 January) | 2.92 ft (0.89 m) |
Low Tide | 4:58 PM(Mon 13 January) | -1.08 ft (-0.33 m) |
Sunrise: 7:20AM | Sunset: 5:55PM | Moonset: 7:22AM | Moonrise: 5:50PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Tuesday 14 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 4:35 AM(Tue 14 January) | 2.79 ft (0.85 m) |
Low Tide | 5:27 PM(Tue 14 January) | -0.85 ft (-0.26 m) |
Sunrise: 7:20AM | Sunset: 5:56PM | Moonset: 8:09AM | Moonrise: 6:53PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Wednesday 15 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 5:35 AM(Wed 15 January) | 2.59 ft (0.79 m) |
Low Tide | 5:51 PM(Wed 15 January) | -0.56 ft (-0.17 m) |
Sunrise: 7:20AM | Sunset: 5:57PM | Moonset: 8:49AM | Moonrise: 7:54PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Thursday 16 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 5:55 AM(Thu 16 January) | 2.36 ft (0.72 m) |
Low Tide | 6:09 PM(Thu 16 January) | -0.23 ft (-0.07 m) |
Sunrise: 7:20AM | Sunset: 5:57PM | Moonset: 9:23AM | Moonrise: 8:51PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Friday 17 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 5:08 AM(Fri 17 January) | 2.13 ft (0.65 m) |
Low Tide | 6:16 PM(Fri 17 January) | 0.13 ft (0.04 m) |
Sunrise: 7:19AM | Sunset: 5:58PM | Moonset: 9:53AM | Moonrise: 9:46PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Saturday 18 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 4:15 AM(Sat 18 January) | 1.97 ft (0.6 m) |
Low Tide | 6:02 PM(Sat 18 January) | 0.49 ft (0.15 m) |
Sunrise: 7:19AM | Sunset: 5:59PM | Moonset:10:21AM | Moonrise:10:38PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Sunday 19 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 3:29 AM(Sun 19 January) | 1.84 ft (0.56 m) |
Low Tide | 4:55 PM(Sun 19 January) | 0.72 ft (0.22 m) |
Sunrise: 7:19AM | Sunset: 6:00PM | Moonset:10:48AM | Moonrise:11:30PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Monday 20 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 2:41 AM(Mon 20 January) | 1.84 ft (0.56 m) |
Low Tide | 2:38 PM(Mon 20 January) | 0.69 ft (0.21 m) |
Sunrise: 7:19AM | Sunset: 6:01PM | Moonset:11:16AM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Tuesday 21 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 1:48 AM(Tue 21 January) | 1.94 ft (0.59 m) |
Low Tide | 1:45 PM(Tue 21 January) | 0.43 ft (0.13 m) |
Sunrise: 7:19AM | Sunset: 6:01PM | Moonrise:00:22AM | Moonset:11:44AM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Wednesday 22 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 00:55 AM(Wed 22 January) | 2.1 ft (0.64 m) |
Low Tide | 1:47 PM(Wed 22 January) | 0.1 ft (0.03 m) |
Sunrise: 7:18AM | Sunset: 6:02PM | Moonrise: 1:15AM | Moonset:12:16PM |
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Tide Times for Santa Rosalia: Thursday 23 January 2025
Tide | Time (MST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 00:26 AM(Thu 23 January) | 2.3 ft (0.7 m) |
Low Tide | 2:06 PM(Thu 23 January) | -0.23 ft (-0.07 m) |
Sunrise: 7:18AM | Sunset: 6:03PM | Moonrise: 2:11AM | Moonset:12:52PM |
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NOTE: Use of this site for Santa Rosalia, Baja California Sur, Mexico tide times is subject to our terms.
NOTE: We do not accept responsibility for any amendments or changes to the data whilst it is displayed / printed from our website.