Distance / Altitude | Location | Report Date / Time | Live Weather | Wind | Gusts | Temp. | Visibility | Cloud |
11 km E / 420 m | Sanya (China) | 2025-01-08 20:00 local (2025/01/08 12:00 GMT) | no report | light winds from the SSE (14 km/h at 150) | 28°C | 21 | - | |
133 km WNW / 8 m | Dongfang (China) | 2025-01-08 20:00 local (2025/01/08 12:00 GMT) | no report | moderate winds from the S (22 km/h at 190) | 33°C | 22 | - | |
143 km N / 169 m | Danxian (China) | 2025-01-08 20:00 local (2025/01/08 12:00 GMT) | no report | wind obs. (7 kph from 120 degs) was rejected (- km/h at -) | 36°C | 30 | - | |
152 km NE / 24 m | Qionghai (China) | 2025-01-08 20:00 local (2025/01/08 12:00 GMT) | no report | light winds from the SSE (11 km/h at 160) | 33°C | 30 | - | |
219 km NNE / 238 m | Haikou ( 海口) (Peoples Republic Of China) | 2025-01-08 20:00 local (2025/01/08 12:00 GMT) | - | light winds from the SE (14 km/h at 140) | — | 30 | - | |
267 km S / 640 m | SonTra-DaNang (Vietnam) | 2025-01-08 22:00 local (2025/01/08 14:00 GMT) | - | wind obs. (57 kph from 45 degs) was rejected (- km/h at -) | 18°C | - | - - 0 | |
281 km SSW / 17 m | Hue Phubai Airport (Viet nam) | 2025-01-08 21:30 local (2025/01/08 13:30 GMT) | Dry and partly cloudy | light winds from the E (13 km/h at 80) | 21°C | 10.0 | scattered broken | |
282 km S / 676 m | Da Nang International Airport (Viet Nam) | 2025-01-08 21:30 local (2025/01/08 13:30 GMT) | Dry and cloudy | calm (2 km/h at 300) | 23°C | 10.0 | few overcast | |
295 km SE / 5 m | Sanhu Dao (China) | 2025-01-08 20:00 local (2025/01/08 12:00 GMT) | no report | wind obs. (7 kph from 160 degs) was rejected (- km/h at -) | 32°C | 18 | - | |
340 km ESE / 5 m | Xisha Dao (China) | 2025-01-08 20:00 local (2025/01/08 12:00 GMT) | no report | wind obs. (7 kph from 150 degs) was rejected (- km/h at -) | 33°C | 27 | - |
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Surf breaks close to Sanya: | ||
Closest surf break | Dadonghai | 2 mi |
Second closest surf break | Jinzonglu | 11 mi |
Third closest surf break | Ocean Bay Golf Club | 34 mi |
Fourth closest surf break | Riyue Bay (Riyuewan) | 56 mi |
Fifth closest surf break | Binh An | 163 mi |