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Saint Andrews
Saint Andrews, Passamaquoddy Bay
Salsbury Cove
Sandy Point, Penobscot River
Seapoint, Cutts Island
Seavey Island, Back Channel
Seavey Island, Portsmouth Harbor
Seavey Island, Portsmouth Harbor (sub)
Sedgwick, Penobscot Bay
Sheepscot (below rapids)
Shoppee Point, Englishman Bay
Small Point Harbor
South Harpswell, Potts Harbor
South Lubec
South Orrington, Penobscot River
South Portland Gardens23,893
Southport, Townsend Gut
Southwest Harbor2,044
Steele Harbor Island
Stone Island, Machias Bay
Stonington, Deer Isle, Penobscot Bay
Sturgeon Island, Merrymeeting Bay, Kennebec River
Sturgeon Island, Merrymeeting Bay