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Amherst Harbour, Magdalen Islands, Gulf of St Lawrence, Quebec Anderson Island Hudson, Quebec Annisquam, Massachusetts Argentia, Newfoundland Atlantic Beach, Florida Avalon Channel, Newfoundland Avon, North Carolina Back Bay, New Brunswick Baie-Comeau, Quebec Bangor, Penobscot River, Maine Bannermans Branch, Northeast River, North Carolina Banquereau Bank, Nova Scotia Bathurst, New Brunswick Beach Haven Crest, New Jersey Bear Island, Nunavut Bermuda Esso Pier, Saint Georges, Bermuda Betchewun Harbour, Quebec Black Joke Cove, Newfoundland Black River (south of Dunbar), South Carolina Botwood, Newfoundland Bowley Bar, Middle River, Maryland Brickyard, Quebec Brunswick, Maine Campbellton, New Brunswick Cap Chat, Quebec Cape Blomidon, Nova Scotia Cape Jones Island, Nunavut Cape Romain, 46 miles east of, South Carolina Carmanville, Newfoundland Cartwright Harbour, Newfoundland Catskill, Hudson River, New York Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Cheticamp, Nova Scotia Chezzetcook Inlet, Nova Scotia Clarenville, Newfoundland Clinton Harbor, Connecticut Connoire Bay, Newfoundland Corner Brook, Newfoundland Cribbons Point, Nova Scotia Davis Inlet, Newfoundland Digby, Nova Scotia Duck Island, Quebec Eastmain, Quebec Fenwick Island Light, Delaware Flowers Cove, Newfoundland Fortescue Creek, New Jersey Fredericksburg, Rappahannock River, Virginia Fredericton, New Brunswick Fundy (Offshore 1), Nova Scotia Fundy (Offshore 4), Nova Scotia Fundy (Offshore 6), Nova Scotia Fundy (Offshore 22a), Nova Scotia Fundy (Offshore 23), Nova Scotia Garden Point, Gouldsboro Bay, Maine Gargathy Neck, Virginia Gaspe, Quebec Gillies Island, Quebec Glace Bay, Nova Scotia Goose Bay, Labrador Great Whale River, Quebec Greenwich, Connecticut Grey River, Newfoundland Gurnet Point, Massachusetts Hamilton Bank 334, Newfoundland Hamilton Bank 790, Newfoundland Hamilton Bank 795, Newfoundland Hamilton Bank 796, Newfoundland Hamilton Bank, Newfoundland Hampden, Newfoundland Harrington Harbour, Quebec Heath Point, Quebec Hibernia 109, Newfoundland Holden Beach, North Carolina Holyrood, Newfoundland Hudson B (Satellite), Manitoba Indian Harbour, Labrador Innetalling Island, Nunavut Isle of Palms Pier, South Carolina Kegaska, Quebec (2) Kennebunkport, Maine Kitty Hawk (ocean), North Carolina La Have Bank, Nova Scotia La Scie, Newfoundland Lenoxville Point, North Carolina Les Escoumins, Quebec Lewisetta, Potomac River, Virginia Little Whale River, Quebec Lockeport, Nova Scotia Long Branch Reach, Shrewsbury River, New Jersey Loon Island, Nunavut Lower Hall Landing, Tensaw River, Alabama Lunenburg, Nova Scotia Makkovik Bank North, Newfoundland Mctavish Island, Quebec Miacomet Rip, Massachusetts Miminegash, Prince Edward Island Miscou, New Brunswick Mistanoque Harbour, Quebec Mont Louis, Quebec Moosonee, Ontario Mortier Bay, Newfoundland Nain Bank Station 847, Newfoundland Nain, Labrador (2) Navarre Beach, Florida Newcastle, New Brunswick Norris Cove, Newfoundland North Twin Island, Nunavut Petersburg, Appomattox River, James River, Virginia Pictou, Nova Scotia Pistolet Bay, Newfoundland Point Judith Harbor of Refuge, Rhode Island Port Alfred, Quebec Port au Port, Newfoundland Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland Port Bickerton, Nova Scotia Port Menier, Quebec Port Saunders, Newfoundland Port Union, Newfoundland Postville, Newfoundland Punchbowl, Newfoundland Pushthrough, Newfoundland Quebec City, Quebec Renouf Island, Nunavut Rigolet, Labrador (2) Rimouski, Quebec Rockland, Maine Sable Bank, Nova Scotia Sable Island, north side, Nova Scotia Saint John, New Brunswick Saint Paul Island, Nova Scotia Saint Peter Bay, Nova Scotia Saint Pierre Harbor, Saint Pierre Island, Newfoundland Saint Simons Light, Georgia Sept Iles, Quebec Shediac Bay, New Brunswick Sorel, Quebec Souris, Prince Edward Island Square Island Harbour, Labrador St Lawrence Mooring, Quebec Strutton Island, Nunavut Texas Tower, Georges Shoal Thunderbolt, Wilmington River, Georgia Trepassey Harbour, Newfoundland (2) Tukarak, Quebec Upper Attawaspiskat, Ontario Waretown, New Jersey Webeck Harbour, Labrador Wild Cove, Newfoundland Winisk, Ontario Woodbury Creek, New Jersey Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Yorktown, York River, Virginia