Distance / Altitude | Location | Report Date / Time | Live Weather | Wind | Gusts | Temp. | Visibility | Cloud |
10 km WSW / 223 m | Guaymas International Airport (Mexico) | 2024-12-18 10:55 local (2024/12/18 17:55 GMT) | - | calm (0 km/h at 0) | — | 16 | ||
78 km SW / 15 m | ASCATC249E28N (Marine) | 2024-12-18 10:31 local (2024/12/18 17:31 GMT) | moderate winds from the NW (27 km/h at 316) | — | - km | |||
87 km SW / 15 m | ASCATC248E28N (Marine) | 2024-12-18 10:31 local (2024/12/18 17:31 GMT) | moderate winds from the NW (26 km/h at 322) | — | - km | |||
94 km WNW / 34 m | Hermosillo (Mexico) | 2024-12-18 12:46 local (2024/12/18 19:46 GMT) | dry | - (- km/h at ) | — | - | - - 0 | |
99 km SSW / 15 m | ASCATC248E27N (Marine) | 2024-12-18 10:31 local (2024/12/18 17:31 GMT) | fresh winds from the NW (30 km/h at 325) | — | - km | |||
116 km ESE / 151 m | Ciudad Obregón Airport (Mexico) | 2024-12-18 11:49 local (2024/12/18 18:49 GMT) | - | light winds from the NW (9 km/h at 320) | — | 16 | ||
123 km N / 282 m | Hermosillo International Airport (Mexico) | 2024-12-18 11:40 local (2024/12/18 18:40 GMT) | Dry and partly cloudy | calm (0 km/h at 0) | — | 16 | few broken - | |
124 km N / 211 m | Hermosillo- Son. (Mexico) | 2024-12-18 11:00 local (2024/12/18 18:00 GMT) | no report | calm (4 km/h at 240) | 30°C | 8 | - | |
129 km N / 263 m | Hermosillo (Mexico) | 2024-12-18 12:11 local (2024/12/18 19:11 GMT) | dry | calm (0 km/h at 74) | 28°C | - | - - 0 | |
152 km SSE / 15 m | ASCATC250E27N (Marine) | 2024-12-18 10:31 local (2024/12/18 17:31 GMT) | fresh winds from the NW (33 km/h at 314) | — | - km |
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Surf breaks close to Empalme: | ||
Closest surf break | Scorpion Bay (San Juanico) | 158 mi |
Second closest surf break | La Laguna | 159 mi |
Third closest surf break | Punta San Gregorio | 160 mi |
Fourth closest surf break | Las Barrancas | 162 mi |
Fifth closest surf break | Punta Santo Domingo | 162 mi |