Distance / Altitude | Location | Report Date / Time | Live Weather | Wind | Gusts | Temp. | Visibility | Cloud |
32.3 miles SW / 1270 ft | Powell River Airport (British Columbia) | 2025-01-09 12:00 local (2025/01/09 20:00 GMT) | Dry and cloudy | calm (0 mph at 110) | 42.8°F | 32 | few overcast | |
34.2 miles ENE / 2900 ft | Callaghan Valley (Canada) | 2025-01-09 13:00 local (2025/01/09 21:00 GMT) | no report | calm (0 mph at 80) | 42.6°F | - | - | |
34.8 miles ESE / 682 ft | Squamish Airport (British Columbia) | 2025-01-09 12:00 local (2025/01/09 20:00 GMT) | - | wind obs. (6 kph from 330 degs) was rejected (- mph at -) | 43.0°F | 0.0 | ||
35.4 miles ESE / 177 ft | Squamish Airport- BC (Canada) | 2025-01-09 13:00 local (2025/01/09 21:00 GMT) | no report | calm (0 mph at 30) | 51.3°F | - | - | |
37.3 miles SSE / 404 ft | Port Mellon- BC (Canada) | 2025-01-09 13:00 local (2025/01/09 21:00 GMT) | no report | calm (0 mph at 290) | 55.8°F | - | - | |
37.9 miles SE / 0 ft | Squamish (Canada) | 2025-01-09 13:25 local (2025/01/09 21:25 GMT) | dry | calm (0 mph at 77) | 46.4°F | - | - - 0 | |
38.5 miles ESE / 407 ft | Squamish (Canada) | 2025-01-09 13:35 local (2025/01/09 21:35 GMT) | dry | calm (0 mph at 158) | 46.4°F | - | - - 0 | |
39.1 miles S / 282 ft | Sechelt- BC (Canada) | 2025-01-09 13:00 local (2025/01/09 21:00 GMT) | no report | calm (0 mph at 340) | 53.6°F | - | - | |
40.4 miles E / 1066 ft | Whistler Airport (British Columbia) | 2025-01-09 12:00 local (2025/01/09 20:00 GMT) | Dry and cloudy | calm (0 mph at 0) | 35.6°F | 24 | broken overcast | |
40.4 miles ENE / 2162 ft | Whistler Airport (Canada) | 2025-01-09 13:00 local (2025/01/09 21:00 GMT) | no report | - (- mph at -) | 43.5°F | - | - |
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Other Nearby Locations' tide tables and tide charts to Malibu Outer, British Columbia:
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Surf breaks close to Malibu Outer, British Columbia: | ||
Closest surf break | Ambleside Park | 57 mi |
Second closest surf break | Port Renfrew | 106 mi |
Third closest surf break | Florencia Bay | 107 mi |
Fourth closest surf break | Wickaninnish | 108 mi |
Fifth closest surf break | Long Beach (Tofino Airport) | 108 mi |