Distance / Altitude | Location | Report Date / Time | Live Weather | Wind | Gusts | Temp. | Visibility | Cloud |
51.6 miles W / 604 ft | Georgetown Airport (Guiana) | 2025-03-16 09:00 local (2025/03/16 13:00 GMT) | ![]() Dry and partly cloudy | light winds from the ESE (10 mph at 110) | 84.2°F | 10.0 | broken | |
53.4 miles WNW / 10 ft | Eugene F Correira International Airport (Guyana) | 2025-03-16 08:00 local (2025/03/16 12:00 GMT) | ![]() Dry and partly cloudy | light winds from the E (10 mph at 100) | 82.4°F | 10.0 | scattered scattered | |
206.9 miles WNW / 49 ft | ASCATB301E9N (Marine) | 2025-03-16 09:00 local (2025/03/16 13:00 GMT) | moderate winds from the E (15 mph at 94) | — | - km | |||
218.7 miles WNW / 49 ft | ASCATB300E9N (Marine) | 2025-03-16 09:00 local (2025/03/16 13:00 GMT) | moderate winds from the E (15 mph at 88) | — | - km | |||
247.3 miles ESE / 16 ft | Saint -Laurent (France) | 2025-03-16 08:00 local (2025/03/16 12:00 GMT) | no report | - (- mph at -) | 75.0°F | - | - | |
253.5 miles SSW / 351 ft | Lethem (Guyana) | 2025-03-16 08:00 local (2025/03/16 12:00 GMT) | ![]() Shower - in the vicinity | light winds from the E (10 mph at 80) | 77.0°F | 10.0 | broken | |
261.0 miles NW / 49 ft | ASCATB301E10N (Marine) | 2025-03-16 08:59 local (2025/03/16 12:59 GMT) | moderate winds from the ESE (15 mph at 115) | — | - km | |||
302.6 miles SE / 10 ft | Maripasoula (French Guiana) | 2025-03-16 08:00 local (2025/03/16 12:00 GMT) | no report | - (- mph at -) | 73.8°F | - | - | |
302.6 miles WNW / 49 ft | ASCATB300E10N (Marine) | 2025-03-16 08:59 local (2025/03/16 12:59 GMT) | fresh winds from the ESE (20 mph at 118) | — | - km | |||
305.1 miles E / 49 ft | ASCATB307E6N (Marine) | 2025-03-16 09:00 local (2025/03/16 13:00 GMT) | moderate winds from the ENE (15 mph at 78) | — | - km |
Contours: | Roads & Rivers: | Select a
tide station / surf break / city |

Use this relief map to navigate to tide stations, surf breaks and cities that are in the area of Rosignol.
Other Nearby Locations' tide tables and tide charts to Rosignol:
click location name for more details
![]() |
Closest surf break | The Delta | 331 mi |
Second closest surf break | Saint Joseph (Iles du Salut) | 347 mi |
Third closest surf break | Ilet du Novotel | 372 mi |
Fourth closest surf break | Anse de Rémire (L'apcat) | 375 mi |
Fifth closest surf break | Mahury | 376 mi |