Distance / Altitude | Location | Report Date / Time | Live Weather | Wind | Gusts | Temp. | Visibility | Cloud |
8 km N / 51 m | Murmansk (22113 -0) (Russia) | 2024-12-21 20:00 local (2024/12/21 17:00 GMT) | - | light winds from the SSW (11 km/h at 200) | — | 50 | - - - | |
14 km NNE / 29 m | Rosta wx (Russia) | 2024-12-21 20:19 local (2024/12/21 17:19 GMT) | - | - (- km/h at ) | -12°C | - | - - 0 | |
59 km SW / 118 m | Padun (Russia) | 2024-12-21 20:00 local (2024/12/21 17:00 GMT) | - | wind obs. (7 kph from 170 degs) was rejected (- km/h at -) | — | 20 | - - - | |
84 km N / 3 m | Tsypnavolok wx (Russia) | 2024-12-21 20:47 local (2024/12/21 17:47 GMT) | - | - (- km/h at ) | -10°C | - | - - 0 | |
90 km ENE / 118 m | Teriberka (bay) (Russia) | 2024-12-21 20:00 local (2024/12/21 17:00 GMT) | - | moderate winds from the E (22 km/h at 80) | — | 20 | - - - | |
103 km S / 2 m | Monchegorsk (Мончегорск) (Russia) | 2024-12-21 20:00 local (2024/12/21 17:00 GMT) | - | wind obs. (7 kph from 230 degs) was rejected (- km/h at -) | — | 50 | - - - | |
123 km SSE / 265 m | Kuna wx (Russia) | 2024-12-21 20:37 local (2024/12/21 17:37 GMT) | - | - (- km/h at ) | -14°C | - | - - 0 | |
124 km NW / 8 m | Vajda -Guba (Russia) | 2024-12-21 20:00 local (2024/12/21 17:00 GMT) | - | moderate winds from the SSE (25 km/h at 150) | — | 50 | - - - | |
126 km W / 2 m | Nikel (Ни кель) (Russia) | 2024-12-21 20:00 local (2024/12/21 17:00 GMT) | light rain showers | wind obs. (7 kph from 220 degs) was rejected (- km/h at -) | 10°C | 10 | - | |
128 km SE / 162 m | Lovozero (Russia) | 2024-12-21 20:00 local (2024/12/21 17:00 GMT) | - | light winds from the SSE (7 km/h at 160) | — | 20 | - - - |
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Surf breaks close to Vidyayevo: | ||
Closest surf break | Kvalnes (Lofoten) | 480 mi |
Second closest surf break | Unstad (Lofoten) | 490 mi |
Third closest surf break | Seines | 494 mi |
Fourth closest surf break | Monumentet | 519 mi |
Fifth closest surf break | Poliisinlahti | 603 mi |