Today's tide times for Vieux-Habitants
The predicted tide times today on Monday 23 December 2024 for Vieux-Habitants are: first low tide at 2:50am, first high tide at 10:16am, second low tide at 6:25pm. Sunrise is at 6:31am and sunset is at 5:41pm.
Today's tide times for Vieux-Habitants: Monday 23 December 2024
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
Low Tide | 2:50 AM(Mon 23 December) | 0.65 ft (0.2 m) |
High Tide | 10:16 AM(Mon 23 December) | 0.98 ft (0.3 m) |
Low Tide | 6:25 PM(Mon 23 December) | 0.59 ft (0.18 m) |
- Wind Speed
- Swell
- Weather
Tide chart for Vieux-HabitantsShowing low and high tide times for the next 30 days at Vieux-Habitants. Tide Times are AST (UTC -4.0hrs).
View Vieux-Habitants 7 Day Tide Chart Image.
Sun |
Moon Set Rise |
Wind |
Monday, 23 Dec | 24 Dec | 25 Dec | 26 Dec | 27 Dec | 28 Dec | 29 Dec | 30 Dec | 31 Dec | 1 Jan | 2 Jan | 3 Jan | 4 Jan | 5 Jan | 6 Jan | 7 Jan | 8 Jan | 9 Jan | 10 Jan | 11 Jan | 12 Jan | 13 Jan | 14 Jan | 15 Jan | 16 Jan | 17 Jan | 18 Jan | 19 Jan | 20 Jan | |||
AM | PM | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | ||
10:16AM0.30m | 10:07AM0.31m | 10:13AM0.31m | 10:34AM0.32m | 11:07AM0.33m | 11:50AM0.34m | 12:38PM0.35m | 1:28PM0.36m | 2:18PM0.37m | 3:08PM0.38m | 3:59PM0.37m | 4:52PM0.35m | 8:40AM0.29m 5:52PM0.32m | 8:32AM0.31m 7:04PM0.28m | 8:43AM0.32m 8:45PM0.23m | 9:04AM0.34m | 9:33AM0.35m | 10:10AM0.36m | 10:57AM0.36m | 11:54AM0.37m | 12:57PM0.37m | 1:58PM0.37m | 2:53PM0.37m | 3:43PM0.36m | 8:11AM0.27m 4:30PM0.34m | 7:58AM0.27m 5:14PM0.32m | 7:58AM0.28m 5:59PM0.28m | 7:59AM0.29m 6:49PM0.25m | 8:01AM0.30m 8:02PM0.21m | |||
2:50AM0.20m | 6:25PM0.18m | 7:05PM0.14m | 7:34PM0.10m | 8:07PM0.06m | 8:42PM0.03m | 9:18PM0.00m | 9:57PM-0.01m | 10:36PM-0.01m | 11:15PM0.00m | 11:53PM0.02m | 00:31AM0.05m | 1:06AM0.09m 1:05PM0.28m | 1:36AM0.14m 3:11PM0.25m | 1:58AM0.18m 4:32PM0.19m | 1:24AM0.21m 5:39PM0.14m | 6:38PM0.08m | 7:33PM0.03m | 8:25PM-0.01m | 9:14PM-0.03m | 10:01PM-0.03m | 10:45PM-0.02m | 11:25PM0.01m | 00:00AM0.04m 9:33AM0.26m | 00:30AM0.08m 11:28AM0.26m | 00:53AM0.12m 1:15PM0.24m | 1:08AM0.16m 2:49PM0.22m | 1:04AM0.19m 4:06PM0.19m 11:08PM0.20m | ||||
6:31AM | 5:41PM | 6:31AM 5:42PM | 6:32AM 5:42PM | 6:32AM 5:43PM | 6:33AM 5:43PM | 6:33AM 5:44PM | 6:33AM 5:44PM | 6:34AM 5:45PM | 6:34AM 5:45PM | 6:35AM 5:46PM | 6:35AM 5:47PM | 6:35AM 5:47PM | 6:36AM 5:48PM | 6:36AM 5:48PM | 6:36AM 5:49PM | 6:36AM 5:50PM | 6:37AM 5:50PM | 6:37AM 5:51PM | 6:37AM 5:51PM | 6:37AM 5:52PM | 6:37AM 5:53PM | 6:38AM 5:53PM | 6:38AM 5:54PM | 6:38AM 5:54PM | 6:38AM 5:55PM | 6:38AM 5:56PM | 6:38AM 5:56PM | 6:38AM 5:57PM | 6:38AM 5:57PM | ||
00:16AM | 12:27PM | 1:00PM 1:02AM | 1:35PM 1:49AM | 2:12PM 2:39AM | 2:55PM 3:31AM | 3:42PM 4:25AM | 4:35PM 5:22AM | New Moon 5:33PM 6:20AM | 6:33PM 7:15AM | 7:34PM 8:07AM | 8:33PM 8:55AM | 9:31PM 9:39AM | 10:27PM 10:19AM | 11:22PM 10:58AM | First Quarter 11:37AM | 00:18AM 12:18PM | 1:16AM 1:01PM | 2:17AM 1:49PM | 3:20AM 2:43PM | 4:25AM 3:42PM | 5:27AM 4:43PM | Full Moon 6:25AM 5:45PM | 7:17AM 6:45PM | 8:03AM 7:41PM | 8:43AM 8:33PM | 9:19AM 9:22PM | 9:53AM 10:09PM | 10:25AM 10:55PM | 10:58AM 11:42PM | ||
Vieux-Habitants tide chart key:
The tide chart above shows the height and times of high tide and low tide for Vieux-Habitants. The red flashing dot shows the tide time right now. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Vieux-Habitants.
Tide Times are AST (UTC -4.0hrs). Last Spring High Tide at Vieux-Habitants was on Mon 16 Dec (height: 0.38m 1.2ft). Next high Spring Tide at Vieux-Habitants will be on Wed 01 Jan (height: 0.38m 1.2ft).
Vieux-Habitants tide chart key: The tide chart above shows the height and times of high tide and low tide for Vieux-Habitants. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Vieux-Habitants.
Tide Times are AST (UTC -4.0hrs). Last Spring High Tide at Vieux-Habitants was on Mon 16 Dec (height: 0.38m 1.2ft). Next high Spring Tide at Vieux-Habitants will be on Wed 01 Jan (height: 0.38m 1.2ft).
Vieux-Habitants tide times for December and January
December and January Tide charts for Vieux-Habitants: The tide charts below show the height, time and date of high and low tides for the next 30 days.
Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants (tomorrow): Tuesday 24 December 2024
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 10:07 AM(Tue 24 December) | 1.02 ft (0.31 m) |
Low Tide | 7:05 PM(Tue 24 December) | 0.46 ft (0.14 m) |
Sunrise: 6:31AM | Sunset: 5:42PM | Moonrise: 1:02AM | Moonset: 1:00PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Wednesday 25 December 2024
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 10:13 AM(Wed 25 December) | 1.02 ft (0.31 m) |
Low Tide | 7:34 PM(Wed 25 December) | 0.33 ft (0.1 m) |
Sunrise: 6:32AM | Sunset: 5:42PM | Moonrise: 1:49AM | Moonset: 1:35PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Thursday 26 December 2024
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 10:34 AM(Thu 26 December) | 1.05 ft (0.32 m) |
Low Tide | 8:07 PM(Thu 26 December) | 0.2 ft (0.06 m) |
Sunrise: 6:32AM | Sunset: 5:43PM | Moonrise: 2:39AM | Moonset: 2:12PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Friday 27 December 2024
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 11:07 AM(Fri 27 December) | 1.08 ft (0.33 m) |
Low Tide | 8:42 PM(Fri 27 December) | 0.1 ft (0.03 m) |
Sunrise: 6:33AM | Sunset: 5:43PM | Moonrise: 3:31AM | Moonset: 2:55PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Saturday 28 December 2024
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 11:50 AM(Sat 28 December) | 1.1 ft (0.34 m) |
Low Tide | 9:18 PM(Sat 28 December) | 0.0 ft (0.0 m) |
Sunrise: 6:33AM | Sunset: 5:44PM | Moonrise: 4:25AM | Moonset: 3:42PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Sunday 29 December 2024
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 12:38 PM(Sun 29 December) | 1.15 ft (0.35 m) |
Low Tide | 9:57 PM(Sun 29 December) | -0.03 ft (-0.01 m) |
Sunrise: 6:33AM | Sunset: 5:44PM | Moonrise: 5:22AM | Moonset: 4:35PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Monday 30 December 2024
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 1:28 PM(Mon 30 December) | 1.18 ft (0.36 m) |
Low Tide | 10:36 PM(Mon 30 December) | -0.03 ft (-0.01 m) |
Sunrise: 6:34AM | Sunset: 5:45PM | Moonrise: 6:20AM | Moonset: 5:33PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Tuesday 31 December 2024
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 2:18 PM(Tue 31 December) | 1.21 ft (0.37 m) |
Low Tide | 11:15 PM(Tue 31 December) | 0.0 ft (0.0 m) |
Sunrise: 6:34AM | Sunset: 5:45PM | Moonrise: 7:15AM | Moonset: 6:33PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Wednesday 01 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 3:08 PM(Wed 01 January) | 1.25 ft (0.38 m) |
Low Tide | 11:53 PM(Wed 01 January) | 0.07 ft (0.02 m) |
Sunrise: 6:35AM | Sunset: 5:46PM | Moonrise: 8:07AM | Moonset: 7:34PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Thursday 02 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 3:59 PM(Thu 02 January) | 1.21 ft (0.37 m) |
Sunrise: 6:35AM | Sunset: 5:47PM | Moonrise: 8:55AM | Moonset: 8:33PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Friday 03 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
Low Tide | 00:31 AM(Fri 03 January) | 0.16 ft (0.05 m) |
High Tide | 4:52 PM(Fri 03 January) | 1.15 ft (0.35 m) |
Sunrise: 6:35AM | Sunset: 5:47PM | Moonrise: 9:39AM | Moonset: 9:31PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Saturday 04 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
Low Tide | 1:06 AM(Sat 04 January) | 0.3 ft (0.09 m) |
High Tide | 8:40 AM(Sat 04 January) | 0.95 ft (0.29 m) |
Low Tide | 1:05 PM(Sat 04 January) | 0.92 ft (0.28 m) |
High Tide | 5:52 PM(Sat 04 January) | 1.05 ft (0.32 m) |
Sunrise: 6:36AM | Sunset: 5:48PM | Moonrise:10:19AM | Moonset:10:27PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Sunday 05 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
Low Tide | 1:36 AM(Sun 05 January) | 0.46 ft (0.14 m) |
High Tide | 8:32 AM(Sun 05 January) | 1.02 ft (0.31 m) |
Low Tide | 3:11 PM(Sun 05 January) | 0.82 ft (0.25 m) |
High Tide | 7:04 PM(Sun 05 January) | 0.92 ft (0.28 m) |
Sunrise: 6:36AM | Sunset: 5:48PM | Moonrise:10:58AM | Moonset:11:22PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Monday 06 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
Low Tide | 1:58 AM(Mon 06 January) | 0.59 ft (0.18 m) |
High Tide | 8:43 AM(Mon 06 January) | 1.05 ft (0.32 m) |
Low Tide | 4:32 PM(Mon 06 January) | 0.62 ft (0.19 m) |
High Tide | 8:45 PM(Mon 06 January) | 0.75 ft (0.23 m) |
Sunrise: 6:36AM | Sunset: 5:49PM | Moonrise:11:37AM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Tuesday 07 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
Low Tide | 1:24 AM(Tue 07 January) | 0.69 ft (0.21 m) |
High Tide | 9:04 AM(Tue 07 January) | 1.12 ft (0.34 m) |
Low Tide | 5:39 PM(Tue 07 January) | 0.46 ft (0.14 m) |
Sunrise: 6:36AM | Sunset: 5:50PM | Moonset:00:18AM | Moonrise:12:18PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Wednesday 08 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 9:33 AM(Wed 08 January) | 1.15 ft (0.35 m) |
Low Tide | 6:38 PM(Wed 08 January) | 0.26 ft (0.08 m) |
Sunrise: 6:37AM | Sunset: 5:50PM | Moonset: 1:16AM | Moonrise: 1:01PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Thursday 09 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 10:10 AM(Thu 09 January) | 1.18 ft (0.36 m) |
Low Tide | 7:33 PM(Thu 09 January) | 0.1 ft (0.03 m) |
Sunrise: 6:37AM | Sunset: 5:51PM | Moonset: 2:17AM | Moonrise: 1:49PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Friday 10 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 10:57 AM(Fri 10 January) | 1.18 ft (0.36 m) |
Low Tide | 8:25 PM(Fri 10 January) | -0.03 ft (-0.01 m) |
Sunrise: 6:37AM | Sunset: 5:51PM | Moonset: 3:20AM | Moonrise: 2:43PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Saturday 11 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 11:54 AM(Sat 11 January) | 1.21 ft (0.37 m) |
Low Tide | 9:14 PM(Sat 11 January) | -0.1 ft (-0.03 m) |
Sunrise: 6:37AM | Sunset: 5:52PM | Moonset: 4:25AM | Moonrise: 3:42PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Sunday 12 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 12:57 PM(Sun 12 January) | 1.21 ft (0.37 m) |
Low Tide | 10:01 PM(Sun 12 January) | -0.1 ft (-0.03 m) |
Sunrise: 6:37AM | Sunset: 5:53PM | Moonset: 5:27AM | Moonrise: 4:43PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Monday 13 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 1:58 PM(Mon 13 January) | 1.21 ft (0.37 m) |
Low Tide | 10:45 PM(Mon 13 January) | -0.07 ft (-0.02 m) |
Sunrise: 6:38AM | Sunset: 5:53PM | Moonset: 6:25AM | Moonrise: 5:45PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Tuesday 14 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 2:53 PM(Tue 14 January) | 1.21 ft (0.37 m) |
Low Tide | 11:25 PM(Tue 14 January) | 0.03 ft (0.01 m) |
Sunrise: 6:38AM | Sunset: 5:54PM | Moonset: 7:17AM | Moonrise: 6:45PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Wednesday 15 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
High Tide | 3:43 PM(Wed 15 January) | 1.18 ft (0.36 m) |
Sunrise: 6:38AM | Sunset: 5:54PM | Moonset: 8:03AM | Moonrise: 7:41PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Thursday 16 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
Low Tide | 00:00 AM(Thu 16 January) | 0.13 ft (0.04 m) |
High Tide | 8:11 AM(Thu 16 January) | 0.89 ft (0.27 m) |
Low Tide | 9:33 AM(Thu 16 January) | 0.85 ft (0.26 m) |
High Tide | 4:30 PM(Thu 16 January) | 1.12 ft (0.34 m) |
Sunrise: 6:38AM | Sunset: 5:55PM | Moonset: 8:43AM | Moonrise: 8:33PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Friday 17 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
Low Tide | 00:30 AM(Fri 17 January) | 0.26 ft (0.08 m) |
High Tide | 7:58 AM(Fri 17 January) | 0.89 ft (0.27 m) |
Low Tide | 11:28 AM(Fri 17 January) | 0.85 ft (0.26 m) |
High Tide | 5:14 PM(Fri 17 January) | 1.05 ft (0.32 m) |
Sunrise: 6:38AM | Sunset: 5:56PM | Moonset: 9:19AM | Moonrise: 9:22PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Saturday 18 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
Low Tide | 00:53 AM(Sat 18 January) | 0.39 ft (0.12 m) |
High Tide | 7:58 AM(Sat 18 January) | 0.92 ft (0.28 m) |
Low Tide | 1:15 PM(Sat 18 January) | 0.79 ft (0.24 m) |
High Tide | 5:59 PM(Sat 18 January) | 0.92 ft (0.28 m) |
Sunrise: 6:38AM | Sunset: 5:56PM | Moonset: 9:53AM | Moonrise:10:09PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Sunday 19 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
Low Tide | 1:08 AM(Sun 19 January) | 0.52 ft (0.16 m) |
High Tide | 7:59 AM(Sun 19 January) | 0.95 ft (0.29 m) |
Low Tide | 2:49 PM(Sun 19 January) | 0.72 ft (0.22 m) |
High Tide | 6:49 PM(Sun 19 January) | 0.82 ft (0.25 m) |
Sunrise: 6:38AM | Sunset: 5:57PM | Moonset:10:25AM | Moonrise:10:55PM |
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Tide Times for Vieux-Habitants: Monday 20 January 2025
Tide | Time (AST)& Date | Height |
Low Tide | 1:04 AM(Mon 20 January) | 0.62 ft (0.19 m) |
High Tide | 8:01 AM(Mon 20 January) | 0.98 ft (0.3 m) |
Low Tide | 4:06 PM(Mon 20 January) | 0.62 ft (0.19 m) |
High Tide | 8:02 PM(Mon 20 January) | 0.69 ft (0.21 m) |
Low Tide | 11:08 PM(Mon 20 January) | 0.66 ft (0.2 m) |
Sunrise: 6:38AM | Sunset: 5:57PM | Moonset:10:58AM | Moonrise:11:42PM |
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NOTE: Use of this site for Vieux-Habitants tide times is subject to our terms.
NOTE: We do not accept responsibility for any amendments or changes to the data whilst it is displayed / printed from our website.